Twentieth Mayors Conference

 In December 2024, Sapporo, Japan will host the memorable 20th WWCAM Mayors Conference.



 Tuesday, December 17 – Saturday, December 21, 2024


Main Venue

 Sapporo Convention Center (Higashi-Sapporo 6-1, Shiroishi-ku, Sapporo, Japan)


Themes of the Conference

 Main theme: New Possibilities for Winter Cities – Realizing a Sustainable Society –
 Special theme: “GX (Green Transformation) in Winter Cities”
 Sub-themes (group sessions) :

  1. Environmental Policies for Winter Cities

  2. Economic Activities in Winter Cities
  3. Urban Development for Winter Cities
 Topics (working groups) :

  1. Education in Winter Cities
  2. Tourism Policies for Winter Cities
  3. Culture & Arts that Make the Most of Winter



 Mayors of 22 member cities from 9 countries and observer cities, etc. (Approximately 100 people are expected.)


Interpretation at the main venue

 Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English, Japanese, Chinese and Korean.


Conference Program


  Dec. 17 (Tue.) Dec. 18 (Wed.) Dec. 19 (Thu.) Dec. 20 (Fri.)

Dec. 21 (Sat.)

AM Opening Ceremony, General Assembly Working Groups
① ~ ③
Plenary session, Closing Ceremony Excursion  
PM Group Sessions
① ~ ③
・Midterm reports on
environmental action goals
・Lecture on the   
Special Theme etc.

Press Conference,

City tour

Winter Cities Forum
(for Citizens)

* Winter Expo (Dec. 18: Business Networking Event, City Dec. 19-21: PR at Winter Cities Showcase) will also be held.

* Schedule and program are subject to change.


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